The Dallas/Fort Worth CFA Society interviewed me to discuss everything OCIO. In just 20 minutes we cover a lot of ground that every institutional investor should consider when using an OCIO or investment consultant.
To skip to specific topics, here is a quick reference:
Time Topic
0 – 3:00 Introduction
3:00 – 5:00 Personal Background
5:00 - 6:00 Professional Background
6:00 – 8:15 Why I began Performance Monitoring
8:15 – 10:00 What Have You Found in Your Reviews?
10:00 - 12;00 What Has Surprised You in Your Work?
12:00- 14:30 Benchmark Creation & Disclosure
14:30 – 17:15 OCIO Selection, Searches & Conflicts
17:15 – 19:15 Why Use an OCIO
19:15 - 21:45 OCIO Performance and the Proposed GIPS
21:45 - End Ray Dalio & Mistakes-based Learning